Thursday, December 2, 2010


Cleaning up after 5 boys can be challenging and scary. For instance, you learn to NEVER reach blindly into their jeans pockets, but rather fold them inside out and dump them, unless you like grabbing crusted frogs, fresh worms or other unidentifiable things.

Today is my only day off work so I decide to get the cleaning done. I start in my 7 & 8 year old, Gabriel and Asher's room. After tossing a few choice words around at yet another hole in the wall I decide to vacuum. Grrr - Micah, my oldest son, used the vacuum last and the tube is now packed so tight nothing will suck up. How many times do I tell them to pick the big stuff up. You can't vacuum everything! A half hour later I finally get it unplugged, but when I arrive back to the bedroom I find our dog, Woody, has pulled the, very full, vacuum bag off and tore it up all over the room. Wait, it gets better. I go to the kitchen to get another bag aannnd we're out!

Next, laundry. I decide I'll go get the laundry I dried last night and fold it. I arrive in the laundry room to find that my son, Jonah, wanted to use the dryer for his clothes so he just threw my clothes out onto the dirty floor. Oh Lord, help me.

Onto the frig. Other than finding some pretty scary things way in the back it went without a hitch.

Here was my main mission of the day. Finding out where all these flies are coming from. I've never before had flies in the house in DECEMBER! Upon arriving to my son Jude's room, the mystery was solved. His room had MANY flies. The culprit? The guinea pig. So gross. After I disinfected the entire cage, surroundings and his room....... I  called it a day.

Sometimes cleaning up after 5 boys you don't get very far. It's a slow, never ending process of just taking care of the of the immediate needs of the house, like, today was the flies. Tomorrow? Who knows, could be anything, and I do mean ANYTHING!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very impressed!!! That was a great blog!! :) I could only hope to write that well, descriptive and humorous!! Although, I don't have 5 boys to cause enough destruction to write about!! Lol!
